Warren Buffett's 5/25 rule that will help you focus on things that really matter
Warren Buffett is one of the world's leading investors. And a billionaire. It's not a man who made 1-2 successes and then he was resting on his laurels. But he has managed to remain in the business elite for over 60 years.
He always looked in the long run. His personal pilot, Mike Flint, even reveals a tactic used by the well-known investor to focus on things that matter, and not to distract him. It's the 5/25 rule.
The rule is simple, and at some stage of their cooperation, Mike Flint was asked to apply it. Everyone can do it: First you have to write on the paper the 25 things you want to do in the next time. Then, he chose 5 of these tasks, which are more important to you. Put these tasks at the top of the list.
And what about the other 20 things? You will not touch them. That's where the key is. You must first complete the 5 things you put on the top of your list. Until you finish, you will not do anything else. Then you can deal with the rest.
We live in times of many tasks, pressing deadlines and distractions. To achieve success, you need to have an important element: Focus. Focus on the right things. So here too, after choosing the 5 of the 25 tasks you have listed in your list, you must give the first the absolute priority.
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